Uncharitable Sketch notes

We asked the amazing Esme Hemmings to create some sketch notes from some of the key sessions of Uncharitable (previously #BAMEOnline) 2021 and 2022 conferences. We hope that this gives people another way to reflect on the learnings and truths that were shared at the conference.

To make these sketch notes more accessible we are making them accessible here. So scroll down and click on the images below and pinch and zoom to take all the details in!

A (not so) brief history of race, philanthropy, and imperialism

Khadijah Diskin gave a vital session on how imperialism has shaped philanthropy and charity. You can watch the full session on our YouTube channel.

Empire: The Dark Side of Charity

Racism, white supremacy, capitalism, and imperialism are at the heart of the charity and philanthropic sector. Charity work does not exist outside the history of empire.

There is something seriously wrong with the charity industrial complex

A much needed analysis of the systemic injustice and oppression within the charity sector.

We Still Need to Talk About The Charity Industrial Complex

We need to talk about the relationship between the wealthy, the state, and mainstream charities. We need to talk about how this system serves to maintain unjust power structures and systemic racism in our society.

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle The Master’s House - New Ways of Measuring Success

How do we measure success when it comes to anti-racism work? How do we track progress towards dismantling systemic structures of oppression? How does the traditional model of measuring success in the charity sector serve to uphold racism and white supremacy?

Beyond the Performance: The Realities of Doing Anti-Racism Work

Charities are trying to do anti-racism work by applying the values of white supremacy. From focusing on anti-racism one year plans to focusing on taking practical or feasible steps. Dismantling ingrained thought processes of racism and white supremacy takes more than just a few steps. What is the reality of doing anti-racism work and how do we go beyond performative and tokenistic approaches?

The Racism BS Toolkit

Exploring how individuals and organisations can navigate the nonsense and tackle racism.

Decolonising Wealth

The philanthropy sector needs to move away from financial wealth narratives and focus on community wealth instead. How can your funding improve the wealth and wellbeing of the community?

Return to Grassroots: community centric fundraising as an antidote

The charity sector isn’t conductive to transformative change. It should be working to eradicate itself along with the issues it fights against, but we don’t see this happening. Could community centric fundraising be a potential solution to this?

How can fundraising support the anti-racist movement?

Discussion on how fundraising and philanthropy can support the anti-racism movement with view from UK,USA, and Canada. You can watch this session back on YouTube.

Philanthropy + Fundraising

If fundraising and philanthropy are built on the structures of oppression that our communities endure, how do transform it?

Navigating Powerful Funders

Advice for corporate and major donor fundraisers on how to navigate the power dynamics within these relationships.

International Fundraising

Advice on how to navigate racial dynamics of international fundraising.

Non-Profit Leadership

On the challenges and realities of being a person of colour within the overwhelmingly white world of non-profit leadership.

So we did our own thing

On walking away from the charity industrial complex to do our own thing. Why grassroot and community based organisations are so important and valuable.

I Know You Got Soul: Storytelling and You

Storytelling is vital to the work we work that fundraisers do but those stories shape the way that our audiences see the communities you work with. Esther Kwaku challenges us to connect more deeply with the stories we tell in an authentic way.

Digital Storytelling + Digital Fundraising

Tips on how you can tell good stories in digital space and raise funds effectively.

Career Progression

Advice for Black and Brown people on career development and progression in the overwhelmingly white world of the nonprofit sector.

Rest, Risk + Resistance

We are burning ourselves out and we all need to rest more. It’s easy to say that but can be much harder to do, especially for Black women. So let’s explore the work needed to build spaces where you can really rest, the risks that rest can bring for marginalised communities, and why rest can be a way to resist white supremacy and racism.

Choosing joy as an act of resistance

Advice for Black and Brown people on career development and progression in the overwhelmingly white world of the nonprofit sector.

Founders, Friendship & How to Get Through The Hard Stuff

What a powerful way to close the conference than with a conversation on the power of friendship and how to get through hard things. You can watch this session back on our YouTube channel.