About JMB

JMB Consulting is the consultancy with swagger.

In June 2020 Martha Awojobi launched JMB after a decade in fundraising roles in the charity sector. Exhausted by the low glass ceilings, code switching, the microaggressions, the lack of Black and brown faces in offices, the defensiveness and inaction on institutional racism, they decided to carve out their own space and JMB was born.

Our consultants are values driven and our culture allows incredible talent to thrive because here people of colour can bring their whole selves to work.

JMB is all about reimagining - whether that is reimagining what leadership looks and behaves like, what success looks like, how we generate income, or how we respond to racism.

In a sector that is severely lacking in imagination, JMB couldn’t be more necessary.

Our Purpose

We are reimagining what charity sector leadership looks like. JMB supports a generation of leaders who are courageous, creative and driven to build anti-racist organisations that can transform society.

We help people understand racism as a tool of power, oppression and subjugation. We turn anti-racist theory into practice and challenging conversation into meaningful action.

Values & Vibes

Anti-Racism, Bravery, Creativity, Joy

Meet The Dream Team

Martha Awojobi, is Founder, Director and fearless leader of JMB Consulting. After spending ten years working in the charity and philanthropic sector, she was disappointed to find that the space that she believed could be truly transformational in bringing about the liberation of oppressed groups also perpetuated horrific racism. Leaders were slow to innovate, resistant to name structural racism and reluctant to meaningfully include Black and Brown people in decision making. Instead, they were preoccupied with being seen as ‘good people doing good work’ at the expense of confronting and dismantling the very real racism that their organisations perpetuate. Martha works in coalition with organisations who share her goal of liberation from oppression through her work at JMB and through #BAMEOnline series which supports fundraisers and founders of colour to navigate the philanthropic sector and generate sustainable income.

Rajane Kaur, Executive Assistant/Business Manager and wearer of many hats within JMB Consulting. She has over 13 years administration and customer service experience and after working for huge property corporations decided that it was about time she left the toxic industry. A small home fragrance business and an amazing friendship with Martha later, and here we are.

Jonathan Cornejo Jara, Consultant. Jon Cornejo is a campaigner, organiser, and anti-racism specialist. They have led campaigns in the human rights sector, international development sector, refugee sector, and disability sector. They know that workplace culture is key to achieving positive change for the communities we serve, so throughout their campaigning career they have worked to challenge and transform ways of working. Through their work as an Organiser with #CharitySoWhite they have taken that challenge to the whole sector to shift the narrative on institutional racism in the charity sector. They are from a refugee background, queer, and Latin American, and they bring all of these things into their work.

Berthe Biyak, Head of Operations. She has years of experience working with women, advocacy, research, and social enterprises. Her specialism is in operations, human resources, and project management. She is committed to making impactful change and improving the experience of oppressed groups through education, collaboration and progressive action.

Khadijah Diskin, Head of Education. She is a former Further Education lecturer and is currently a Phd Candidate exploring Lacanian Jouissance, Academic Desire as features of Black students experiences in Higher Education. Outside of her academic and working life Khadijah is an activist and campaigner. She launched and founded the WOC (women of colour) Collective UK in October of last year and continues to host and speak at events promoting anti-racist and decolonial practices in Higher Education.

Natalie Armitage, UnCharitable Redistribution Consultant. She joins JMB with over 15 years' experience in the non-profit sector around the world and still healing! Natalie was behind The Booska Papers released during the COVID pandemic that called for urgent funding for Black and minoritised comunities in the UK, then immersed in research on how to redistribute resources to sustain anti-racist, global justice movements whilst dealing with realities of over-surveillance and digital dangers. Exploring mechanisms for redistribution she has worked with The Baobab Foundation, The Blagrave Trust and now Thirty Percy. She has a masters degree in Reconciliation and Restoration post-conflict after working at the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation in South Africa and is a Somatic Practitioner also soon to be certified as a practitioner in the Trauma of Money to address intergenerational trauma for people engangin with Philanthropy.