The charity sector conference of the year
2024 dates TBA

Uncharitable (previously #BAMEOnline) conference is the place to be to talk about radically different ways of doing our work in the charity sector. We bring the best POC talent that our sector has to offer to bring you new perspectives and new ideas. This conference isn’t just about doing better fundraising, it’s about exploring looking at our sector through an anti-racist lens and creating something better.

We want everyone to be able to access this conference, which is why tickets are pay what you can. We encourage you to really think about what this conference is worth and what you can afford to pay. Your contributions enable everyone to access this space.

We also know that diary management can be a barrier, so your ticket will also buy you access to recordings of the event so you can catch up on all the sessions up to a month after the event!

Do you lead a team or an organisation? Get in touch with us to ask about organisational tickets! There is so much that your staff can get out of this event, so invest in your team’s learning today! You can get tickets for your staff, your volunteers, and your trustees - everyone can benefit from this conference.

Email to inquire about organisational tickets

Access information: live captions and BSL interpretation will be available on the day. Recordings and transcripts will be made available following the event.

Could your organisation help fund this exciting conference?